„...A bewitching land of legends and fairy tales...
A land of bizarre wayside shrines,
stony routes and sky
- reaching forests on the horizon..."
Jan GajzlerDear Ladies and Gentlemen,
A land of bizarre wayside shrines,
stony routes and sky
- reaching forests on the horizon..."
Jan GajzlerDear Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Świętokrzyska Land is a place, where history and the present day are combined. Only here one can go on a fantastic trip in time, watching fights of barbarians and Romans during the Iron Roots picnic in Nowa Słupia, and then move to the modern Satellite Service Centre in Psary.
You are cordially invited to take a trip to the sources of time, since the history of the Świętokrzyska Land is connected with the origins of the Polish state. Here, first settlements of Slavic people had been established, including ancient Wiślica - the capital of the state of Wiślanie tribe. Founded in the 12th century, the Benedictine monastery on Mount Łysa Góra, with Poland's first relics of the Holy Cross, was the biggest sanctuary in Poland until the 17th century. Polish kings and princes used to make pilgrimages to the monastery. The mountain, later called the Holy Cross, gave the name to the entire mountain range and with passage of time became the symbol of the entire region.
Only at our place you will experience unforgettable moments visiting Krzemionki Opatowskie - one of the oldest flint mines in the world, "Raj" cave, boulder field on the Holy Cross, Ponidzie - always green and clean, abundant historical sights of Sandomierz, Busko Zdrój and Solec Zdrój health resorts, "Dymarki Świętokrzyskie" (old metallurgical furnaces of Świętokrzyskie Region), historical equipment of the Old - Polish Industrial District, factories of the legendary, pre - war Central Industrial District.
You are invited to the National Museum in Kielce, featuring one of the biggest galleries of Polish painting, and to Żeromski Land along the trails of Stefan Żeromski, Gustaw Herling - Grudziński, Bolesław Prus, and Wiesław Myśliwski.
It's worthwhile taking part in the Krystyna Jamroz International Music Festival in Busko Zdrój and listening to music at the Organ Festival in Jędrzejów.
The Kielce Trade Show is the business hallmark of the voivodeship. This is Poland's second biggest trade show centre located at the intersection of the most important main and international roads. This is the centre of business meetings, a place visited by celebrities from Poland and abroad.
In the Świętokrzyska Land, you will find bicycle routes, hiking trails and sporting places. Enthusiasts of horse riding can make use of the offers of stables in Michałów, Borków and Kurozwęki. In the northern and eastern parts of voivodeship, one can practise water sports. Pińczów and Masłów offer attractions for aviators and hang - gliders.
You are cordially invited to the Świętokrzyska Land.
Voivode of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship